- Quickly integrate into Quebec society
- Balance classes, work and your personal life schedules
- Learn at your own pace
- Develop a social network and build long-term friendships
- Become autonomous in all aspects of your daily life
- Accelerate yourpersonal, professional and/or scholastic integration, while benefiting from financial aid
- Part-time francization classes financedby the Gouvernement du Québec
- Multiple scheduleoptions (morning, afternoon, evening)
- Group classes
- Content developed based on Quebec cultural hallmarks
- Child care allowance, under certain conditions.
- Quickly learn to communicate in Frenchin the context of daily life and in public spaces
- Obtain the level of mastery of the French language required for Canadian citizenship
- Interact with other students and learn more about other cultures
- Learn French in the understanding that it is Quebec’s common tongue, thereby facilitating your integration
If I already have some French-language ability, do I need to take an entry test?
Whether you’ve already taken courses through the Ministry or are doing so for the first time, the first step is always an evaluation. The results will ensure that you’re placed in a group at the appropriate level for optimal learning.
If I drop out of a class mid-session, do I need to register again for another one?
If your session is interrupted, you’ll need to re-register and start a new session from the beginning, no matter how many classes you’ve taken.
If there's a change in my availability, can I change my class schedule?
The Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) only authorizes schedule changes at the beginning of the session.